These Elastic Mosquito Head Nets are perfect for a boonie hat or any other hat for that matter! They will keep those nasty critters from getting to you while your hiking, sleeping or just spending time in the great outdoors.
- Genuine Issue (FSN# 8415-935-2914)
- 100% Polyester Mesh Netting
- Color: ARMY SHADE 323
- Made in USA
DSA 100-68-C-1694
These nets are genuine issue and were issued to US soldiers in the Vietnam jungle. It was essential for soldiers in that region to not get bit because of the diseases that were rampant from mosquitos. But the danger of the mosquito isn’t limited to “Nam”. In fact, mosquitos kill more people every year in the world than any other animal. It is estimated that they kill more than one million people every year! Make sure you are protected with these head nets.
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